A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Immutable Miniverses™

Hitch1999 is creating an exciting collection of interactive NFT projects to attract more users than ever to explore the metaverse. The metaverse of the future should be a world of endless possibilities, with self-contained miniverses built by diverse, imaginative creators.

With Hitch1999’s Immutable Miniverse™ Format (IMF), NFTs can seamlessly fuse art and programming code. The utility of each miniverse will be immutable based on the mantra of decentralized blockchains: code is law.

Read our manifesto that inspires the IMF.

Each Hitch1999 NFT Inscribes an Immutable Miniverse™

It is difficult to assess the utilities of traditional NFTs, primarily because these NFTs are only capable of tokenizing an artistic asset while leaving the interpretation of any real-world interaction with the asset undefined.

Protected by a U.S. patent application, Hitch1999’s new breed of NFTs can simultaneously tokenize both an artistic visual asset and a functional interaction immutably on public blockchains. As such, each of these NFTs holds a miniverse. Users can interact with an NFT tokenized Immutable Miniverse™ by running the underlying program encoded and possibly encrypted within the animated NFT.

As the launch collection, Yummy Hamo NFTs offer the first use case of Immutable Miniverses™ by inscribing fascinating culinary cultures and stories within the NFT asset, minted on Ethereum. The entire secret message is also encrypted using the best cryptography practice that underpins the Internet (Web2) and Bitcoin (Web3). While you enjoy the cheeky design of Yummy Hamo NFTs, please also enjoy each of their unique culinary stories.

AI in Immutable Miniverse (AIIM)

We demonstrate an integration between Immutable Miniverse NFTs and private LLM chat capability:*

  • Activate a Miniverse: Each Yummy Hamo NFT encodes a culinary miniverse in GIF format. This information can be decoded by providing its URL address in the address box below. To start, the Footlong Hotdog NFT address is provided by default. One can change it to any other Yummy Hamo NFTs. For example, the American-Style Lobster NFT has the following address on Opensea: https://raw.seadn.io/files/218f31c79ab4b629665316e557b01537.gif.

  • Chat in Miniverse: After decoding, embedded NFT messages are passed to our private LLM server so that users can chat with AI in Immutable Miniverse (AIIM). For example, if the default Footlong Hotdog NFT is loaded, then one may chat with the NFT in the chat box with questions such as "Who invented the hotdog" or "Please provide instructions to make a hotdog."

* All conversations are private. We do not record your information nor sending it to third party API calls.

Your Image Description

The hot dog, especially as a popular street food, is deeply tied to the history of immigration and industrialization in the United States.

The predecessor of the hot dog, the sausage, has ancient origins, with various forms of sausages being made by different cultures for thousands of years. The hot dog as we know it has its roots in the sausages brought to the United States by German immigrants in the 19th century. The specific birthplace of the hot dog is a matter of dispute, with cities like Frankfurt in Germany and Vienna in Austria both claiming to be the original home of the sausage used in hot dogs (hence the names "frankfurter" and "wiener").

In the United States, the hot dog became a popular street food in the latter half of the 19th century. Immigrant vendors in cities like New York began selling hot dogs from pushcarts as an affordable, easy-to-eat meal for workers. Coney Island, in Brooklyn, New York, is often credited as one of the birthplaces of the American hot dog.

As the hot dog’s popularity soared, it became ingrained in American culture, being served at baseball games, amusement parks, and fairs. Different regions developed their unique styles of serving hot dogs with a variety of toppings, reflecting the diversity of American culinary traditions. For instance, in Chicago, a hot dog might be served with yellow mustard, dark green relish, chopped raw onion, pickle spear, sport peppers, tomato slices, and a dash of celery salt, all tucked into a poppy seed bun.

Today, hot dogs remain a popular street food in many parts of the United States. They are served in various ways, with a wide array of toppings available to cater to different preferences, showcasing the adaptability and enduring popularity of this simple yet beloved food item.